Principals of Sacred Geometry
A guide to the natural creative process

A Magnetic Field

Magnetic fields are the most basic shape of energy circulating. Understanding the nature of magnetic fields and vortex motion.

Field Geometry

When we create many overlapping circulating energy fields, the result is a magnetic web of interacting vortex points. These patterns can be seen on every dimension of nature.

Gyroscopic motion

The force of motion that connects all dimensions of reality together also helps define timing, or relative spin between dimensions. All dimensions of reality exist and are created by various frequency vibrations.

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We live in an electric universe, understanding how electricity looks, reflects & moves, puts us on the path to creating whatever patterns we desire to see in our infinite electric universe. Everything from a single particle of light, to the complex geometries of your body, to the swirling cosmos all share a common thread, by pulling this thread we can unravel the mysteries of the life, creation & the universe.

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