Gyroscpic Motion: The Causality Paradox

When observing light you will see that it actually has the same properties that can be observed in an circulating bodies in motion. Any line (wheel with a high frequency) eventually becomes an arch which results in a circulation effect (a wheel with a relatively lower frequency). This could be explained also as wheels within wheels. These dimensions are separated at 90 degree angles with relative inverse momentum.

 This is to mean that the frequency of ration of one wheel to another represents a natural correlation. This means as we decode the natural harmonics of one dimension it gives us clues to the frequencies that relate to all other dimensions. When watching a gyroscope it is natural to visualize that there are so many spins of the wheel, that results in a larger arch (a wheel with a large diameter and volume) at a relatively lower frequency.

What we consider to be the dance of time is the relative motion of circulating bodies in space the following video is how we can more easily visual this "time keeping" process

The Sun: A counter rotational Vortex

The sun is a sphere of gas which is circulating perpendicular to the direction of motion. The enormous torque between the active galactic nuclei and or local star exert a force on space at the center of or local star which results in fusion. Do to the nature of magnetic field lines, the field of or local star (heliosphere) being at a right angle to the axis of rotation of the galaxy. This effect can be recreated using nested magnetic fields within a vacuum.

In large scales of time we experience shifts in consciousness because of the relative position of our solar system within the spiraling arm of the galaxy itself. We are at our very core star dust that is dancing with the play of time in endless space (time).Image result for galaxy gif

When we look at the gyroscopic force, it is being distributed throughout the universe by the active galactic nuclei at the center of every galaxy, in fact every black hole resonates space. These spacial vibrations increase in their frequency, passed the observable spectrum, at which point it can only be perceived as expanding "nothing". This expanding "void vibration" permeates all of space via black holes resonating atomic spaces into circulation. The atoms congregate to create stars, stars explode in super novas creating all known material in the universe, stars can also implode creating black holes. Black holes resonate & organize space as well as atoms and stars. Black holes eventually become atoms, which create stars.

  As you can see this is a CAUSALITY PARADOX, if atoms create stars, and stars create black holes, and black holes become atoms, where does it all begin? Does it? Can it?

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