Thank You Nikola Tesla for the Future of Energy & Medicine

First of all here are some things that Nikola Tesla invented and pioneered:
- Alternating current
- Florescent lighting
- Tesla Light Therapy
- X-rays
- Radio
- Remote Control
- Electric Motor (a/c motor that revolutionized the world)
- Robotics (he laid out the metaphysics of the human body)
- Laser (he also patented a "death ray" for the purpose of ending war)
- Magnifying transmitter array (tesla coil/HAARP)
It was no secret that Nikola Tesla was a humanitarian that opposed war & profiteering off of human suffering.

Using technology that he reinvented from ancient technologies developed by Egyptian's wireless energy technology (which was based on the natural harmonics & energy capacitance of minerals). He was able to create a standing wave (energy that reflects with itself constructively) of electricity. This would have allowed people to tap into the Earth's natural power source (the ionosphere) which conducts roughly 10,000,000KW of power every second, which vastly exceeds the use of power for the entire planet. It would take roughly 90 seconds at this power level to fuel all the planets power needs for a year.
The main financier of Nikola Tesla were not interested in giving the Earth free power, J.P. Morgan was a copper miner and power plant owner, he chose his financial interests over the benefit of all of mankind.

There were three very important medical technologies that Nikola Tesla theorized and laid the groundwork for that would have revolutionized the world, they were unfortunately censored under the guise of protecting national security.
M.O.R. for short was the initial stages of studying D.N.A. which Nikola Tesla, and later perfected by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife (before the technology was buried by the FDA).
The science of M.O.R. was the study of individual DNA clusters and their natural oscillations (DNA clusters are highly light sensitive). Every variation of life has a specific frequency that when oscillated will destroy the structure like a crystal glass. The heavy influence of the pharmaceutical companies pressured the FDA into rejecting medical use patents for this technology, meaning they could not advertise it as a viable treatment for cancer.
Today cancer kills 1,500 people per day in the United States alone, feeding an enormous profit machine, and funds pharmaceutical companies with additional billions in "research grants" to cure cancer.
Tesla also described in detail, the human energy system and laid the groundwork for maximizing the human energies. Utilization of these technologies effect the prana, or life force energy which invigorates cellular activity and helps to harmonize the DNA of the human body. This is based on the understanding of quantum phenomenon that Nikola Tesla pioneered.
Nikola Tesla was one of the leading physicists in the field of quantum mechanics and also helped move forward the understanding of the links between energy and all matter. He used electricity on nearly everything, using a Tesla Coil to create plasma (energy arks) to simulate lightening on water. Plasma charge water has antiseptic properties and could help reduce or even eliminate the need for pesticides while simultaneously making plants healthier and grow faster. Actions to patent this technology were blocked by chemical companies like Monsanto, which profit billions of dollars from selling chemical additives that poison our food.
In summary, the freedom of all people on Earth has been deeply infringed by the greed of a few people. Now in the days of political change, it is time for people to take a stand against corporations that place profiteering and power above the sanctity of life.
If we were to incorporate these technologies into the realm of common knowledge we could make amazing progress for the prosperity, abundance and health of the entire planet.
We will be the generation that can eliminate disease, fossil fuel wars, and create free energy that would allow humans to create a virtually any paradise on planet Earth we choose.
Beyond that Nikola Tesla's understanding of the universe was significantly more advanced than our own and he recognized the implications of quantum entanglement.
The Schumann resonance and Alpha wave are quantumly entangled (like tuning forks vibration synchronously. )