Make America Great Again: Freeing Science from Tyranny
Reflecting on the events over the last 100 years or so brings me to the conclusion that free thought has been actively suppressed to a degree which is not only unhelpful, but actively dangerous.
If it were not for the active tampering of federal agencies we would have:
- A cancer free (and likely all diseases) society
- A society with free radiant energy
- extra terrestrial vehicles
- electromagnet flight
- Higher state of planetary health.
This all happened within the last 100 or so years.
Nikola Tesla produces his theory of electromagnetism, Tesla was the most esteemed person regarding oscillating and harmonic current. A huge part of his work was establishing the confirmation of the standing wave circuit that our planet creates as it vibrates at it's resonant frequency (Schumann Resonance). There are theoretically an infinite number of patterns which could be created by various frequencies acting in concert.
Using this knowledge he created the Wardenclyffe tower to create a large standing wave of energy which could then be transmitted through the air & groundwater.
Nikola Tesla only partially completed the Wardenclyffe tower, he was successful in the initial steps. He was successful in creating an aurora (the same effect that occurs at the poles) which happens when energy moves at the highest states of efficiency.
He needed additional funding to complete the tower and was denied by J.P. Morgan.
J.P. Morgan who valued Tesla for his massive successes in the power industry, because he was in fact heavily invested in the production sales of power. This invention would have bankrupted him in both his copper mines (which would become substantially less needed) and his power plants.
On Jekyll island a number of prestigious bankers arranged a meeting to draft the federal reserve banking system, a privately owned corporation. This is important as it allows privately owned financial institutions to directly influence the flow of currency, more so than the government or the people of the united states
Economic uncertainty becomes an issue as rumors circulated in mass by news and media created a surge of people removing their money from the bank, resulting in a collapse and the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. This officially created a multi leveled privately owned banking corporation known as the federal reserve, backed by the Rothschilds bank in Europe. THE ABILITY TO PRINT OUR OWN CURRENCY WAS WHY WE FOUGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE.
World war one is funded by the oligarchs in cooperation with the Rothschild banking company
Nikola Tesla's reputation lays in ruins after his dealings with J.P. Morgan who not only refused to build the technology, he actively used his influence to make sure no one else would. The Wardenclyffe tower is scrapped to help cover Nikola Tesla's debt.
Stock Market Crash caused by a fraudulently inflated stock market which issued easily obtainable loans to invest in stock, which soared because of the readily available capital from eager investors. Then when the credit was no longer available easily, the stock market crashed, sound familiar? The Wealthiest individuals who understood the market, got out of stocks before the market crashed, and had wealth afterwards to purchase resources from the impoverished American people for pennies on the dollar.
Dr. Royal Raymond
Rife produced some rather astounding accomplishments in medicine and biology. Being a student of multiple disciplines he advanced science in ways that were unheard of by being able to invent, build & observe his cross disciplined approach was highly successful. The FDA which was corrupted even at that point did not allow him approval even though the clinical evidence was completely obvious, no medical use patents were issued in favor of the very lucrative & dramatically less effective pharmaceutical industry solutions. This technology functions on the principal understanding of CYMATICS & resonate frequencies
Tesla put forth the patents for a number of devices which would have revolutionized the world, because he had been ostracized by financial elites in America his ideas were rejected, and later copied (without the genius of Nikola Tesla they failed)
The particle beam would have given unparalleled defense capabilities at exponentially lower costs than traditional armaments of missiles and bullets a disposable product.
Dozens of patents were applied for and censored by the united states under the pretense of national security.
US Patriots which attempted to bring these breakthroughs to the people of the united states were heavily suppressed. Research materials and resources of parties involved in researching hyper dimensional physics, magnetic implosion engines & string theory were confiscated, destroyed or classified. Research parties were subject to federal harassment, gag orders, imprisonment and even assassination.
Federal Government officially created the armed services and secret services of the united states. At this point corporation who sponsored these programs began receiving special access privileges to information, resources and a license to kill. This was the official beginning of the united states Imperialism. This was done under the pretense of protecting freedom, democracy or capitalism. In reality these conflicts were resulting in extremely high civilian casualties. Also during this time, the united states government created Operation Mockingbird which was designed to falsify news and promote propaganda through America.
After decades of near continuous warfare in the name of capitalism, the people of the united states began banding together. This was the first time in U.S. History that people across all cultural heritages and religions stood together in the name of peace. All government efforts to control popular perspective failed and the NSA & CIA invested additional efforts into mind control by means of psychoactive therapy and pharmaceuticals. CIA Mind Control
Known criminal Richard Nixon initiated the war on drugs as an means of re-instituting class division by means of police involvement. The CIA began importing drugs to inner cities as an excuse to arrest certain demographics. Once imprisoned created highly inexpensive forced labor. Since then the united states has been busy creating the largest prison system in the world, and imprisons more people than any other nation.
After high tensions created by the Arming of Israel which resulted in the oil embargoes in the mid 70's the united states declared war in the middle east to secure steady supplies of oil.
In the rising need, a desperate government began trading favors with the same oil & banking conglomerates that funded the Nazi party.
1994, NAFTA
The North American free trade agreement resulted in the largest agricultural collapse in Mexico's recent history as heavily subsidized U.S. companies attempted to expand their American Monopoly. This economic power play effectively created the circumstances for the drug plagued near war zone like conditions which exist in Mexico today.
– Citigroup, Inc. merges a commercial bank with an insurance company that owns an investment bank to form the world’s largest financial services company. This combined the largest insurance company, with the group that was being insured. Because the banking companies and insurance companies merged, they both collapsed together, this is why they were bailed out together.
1999 Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA), which repealed the two provisions restricting affiliations between banks and securities firms. This allowed for much riskier investments to be entered into by entities which were federally insured.
2000, Commodity Futures Modernization Act
– Passed with support from the Clinton Administration, including Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, and bi-partisan support in Congress. The bill prevented the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from regulating most over-the-counter derivative contracts, including credit default swaps.
2001 The united states illegally enters war based upon false evidence and erroneous reports against a faceless nameless enemy that represent tiny fractions of sovereign nations as an excuse for invasion.
– The SEC proposes a system of voluntary regulation under the Consolidated Supervised Entities program, allowing investment banks to hold less capital in reserve and increase leverage. This allowed for the setup of the housing bubble which eventually collapsed under the weight of large volumes of erroneous loans.
The united states began aggressively expanding their military presence throughout the world to fill out the infrastructure that was created in advance of them by the CIA. At present there are nearly 800 military bases all over the world. (Russia has 10, China 1, UK 45) At present The united states government represents the largest imperial force in history.
For the last several years the united states has secretly been putting agreements together which would allow for dominant control of international policy, resources, information & infrastructure of sovereign nations around the world. This is accomplished by allowing corporations to sue governments directly for any laws, sanctions or environmental regulation changes currently or in the future. EFFECTIVELY SUING TAX PAYERS & CONSUMERS FOR PROTECTING THEMSELVES.
This movement has been met with significant resistance from international party leaders to social activists to hackers united against tyranny.
These laws are being produced in secret and are classified. TTP was originally scheduled (before it was leaked) to be classified for 5 years following implementation.
In 2016 I don't have to tell you the type of ridiculous behavior that has been publicly displayed by the ruling class within our nation.