US History: A History of Falsification
It's time to wake up America. This is big time bull $h!t, you don't need to know anything about science, just follow the trail of money.
It's time for the free thinkers to rise up
It's nearly impossible to know what the real history for the last 70 years is, so much misinformation, cover-ups and outright lies have created a thick fog of war.
After 50 years of protection under national secrecy, in 2001 the Bush family was sued for $40,000,000,000 along with the United States government for complicity in the genocide of millions.
The Central Intelligence Agency is directly connected with closely guarded "national secrets" that were more or less the secrets of the ruling political class. The founders and many of the people surrounding it's formation were members of the society of Skull and Bones, the 3rd largest opium smugglers in the world.
After World War 2 and the successful creation of the nuclear weapon resulted in a large amount of concern. There were a number of unidentified flying objects that appeared to have complete air superiority to anything that the United States was attempting to build at that time.
It was theorized that these devices may have originated off world, they initiated a "super" Manhattan Project to study and develop the technology in secret.
America's Secret Space Program

There were two variant methods for EMF buoyancy which were studied and implemented varying only in the method of producing magnetic field density. The faster the fields moved relative to each other the greater the "buoyancy" or lift generated by the interactions of magnetic fields.
Nikola Tesla was the first to introduce the idea, which was classified top secret.

Ottis T. Carr a student of Nikola Tesla (worked at the hotel which Tesla spent his final days) and learned about the technology directly, successfully created the OTC-XI which was confiscated by the FBI as a direct threat to national economic stability. It threatened fuel, tires & roads, super high speed travel global & extra terrestrial flight was considered to be an enormous threat to elitist economic dominance.

The science of magnetic levitation was heavily invested in directly by elitist who were highly interested in the technology but not interested in sharing it.
The United States was unable to determine where these aircraft were coming from, as the facilities (unless they were underground) were not known to exist to produce a flying saucer. Although the idea had been proposed as viable by Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Ottis T. Carr, and John Searl all around that same time. All devices research and technology was confiscated under the guise of national security.
The Central Intelligence Agency, founded by the members of the order of the Skull and Bones, funded it's black operations through the expansion of the CIA's drug empire, which was now running unopposed within the United States.
After the Bush family (George Bush senior and Jr both members of the society of Skull and Bones) was sued and revealed to be a strong connection to the Nazi party all financial records at the Pentagon & both World Trade Center servers in addition to the hard copy records housed in building 7 of the World Trade Center.
What did the student body of Yale have to say about the Order of the Skull & Bones, does it sound rather familiar to federal government's corruption?
From The Iconoclast:
“We speak through a new publication. Because the college press is closed to those who dare to openly mention 'Bones'....
Out of every class Skull and Bones takes its men. They have gone out into the world and have become, in many instances, leaders in society. They have obtained control of Yale. Its business is performed by them. Money paid to the college must pass into their hands, and be subject to their will. No doubt they are worthy men in themselves, but the many, whom they looked down upon while in college, cannot so far forget as to give money freely into their hands. Men in Wall Street complain that the college comes straight to them for help, instead of asking each graduate for his share. The reason is found in a remark made by one of Yale's and America's first men: 'Few will give but Bones men and they care far more for their society than they do for the college....'
Year by year the deadly evil is growing. The society was never as obnoxious to the college as it is today, and it is just this ill-feeling that shuts the pockets of non-members. Never before has it shown such arrogance and self-fancied superiority. It grasps the College Press and endeavors to rule it all. It does not deign to show its credentials, but clutches at power with the silence of conscious guilt.
To tell the good which Yale College has done would be well nigh impossible. To tell the good she might do would be yet more difficult. The question, then, is reduced to this -- on the one hand lies a source of incalculable good -- on the other a society guilty of serious and far-reaching crimes. It is Yale College against Skull and Bones!! We ask all men, as a question of right, which should be allowed to live?”
and I say again....
It's time to wake up America. This is big time bull shit, you don't need to know anything about science, just follow the trail of money.