My Little T.O.E. (Theory of Everything)
Universal Field Theory
I think that the Universal Field Theory, and the understanding of how all energy, matter & form are related would revolutionize humanity and put us on a path to create whatever we desire to see in the universe.
To consider the universe in it's wholeness you have to look at & understand the 7 dimensions "Atoms, molecules, cells, Bodies, Planetary Bodies, Solar Bodies & galactic bodies" which make up this universe (8th dimension) within this multiverse (9th dimension)
Words are just sounds, and sounds are just noise, right?
Let's start with the very basics of what I mean, with a brief explanation of cymatics, which is the science of sound reflecting and interacting with itself to create complex patterns of harmony. Each word that you use has an amplitude and frequency. Frequency refers to the type of pattern being created, and amplitude being the intensity which which you apply that frequency (intention). Frequency and intensity of sounds defines all of physical reality, because everything in reality, is simply harmonically generated.
Because the nature of electromagnetism itself, all dimensions of reality are spherical, and in relation to one another, vastly different in volume. Because of the huge volumes of spherical space, it appears to be flat (the Earth appears flat to our observation based on a very small cross section of a relatively very large spherical plane). This is also why sacred geometry is relevant, sacred geometry is about overlapping spheres of energy, the points where these spheres overlap, and how energy fields are nested within other energy fields.
Because all electromagnetic fields have polar opposites, they create overlapping fields of energy which is self harmonic (balanced in harmony). The phenomenon of Cymatics is not actually about sound, but rather waves of energy interacting to create "physical" patterns, or standing waves. This is about understanding how space itself is related to physical reality and the geometry at the heart of all natural patterns. These patterns are inherent to magnetism, it has be experimentally proven that all magnetic fields have counter rotating forces.

The Observer Effect: The Truth of Living Water
What they noticed when they were looking into the quantum world was that the individual experimenters were getting slightly different results from one experiment to the next (consistency), what spurred chaos theory is completely different results from one research to the next (unpredictability). This was know as the observer effect and resulted in the chaos theory being applied to the world of quantum mechanics.
This could be reasoned by understanding the fabric of space time itself responded to the various individual observes in a relatively consistent way (perspective), but from one observer to another the result could in no way be guaranteed to be the same (unique perspective).
What has been proven with the study of the human energy field, is that our bodies emit powerful energy fields from the circulation of energy within our bodies. These fields can be measured from the brain, and far more powerfully, from the heart. What all science we've seen so far suggests, that the human hearts energy field has a tremendous impact on the overall health of the body, and can in fact impact those around us as well.
We can actually see these patterns of energy within the water around us and within us. Water is a liquid crystal super conductor and many of the properties of life (self organization being a big one) are actually properties of water itself.
Trans-dimensional: The Miraculous Snowflake
Water can do something even more amazing than resonate with an enormous range of frequencies, it can resonate with compound frequencies, or multiple frequencies simultaneously. Compound frequencies allow water to create complex patterns as unique and diverse as music itself, theoretically, infinite patterns of creation. The larger patterns of the snowflake are created by a lower frequency, while the small patterns are created by higher frequencies. This results in a cascade of projects that are as unique as music itself. Because all snowflakes occupy a slightly different point in space, they all resonate with a slight different cymatic pattern, meaning they are all slightly unique.
A common toy, the Russian nesting doll is a great visualization for this nesting of frequencies.

Nested wavelengths help visualize that progressive compression of light that manifests our reality. the words associated with the image represent the 12 fundamental "patterns of habit" which allow us to be so amazing. It's also designed to approximate the transition between dimensions that occur in reality.

Displaying how the energy of waves can be compounded in water to increase the amplitude. Water does not only resonate with water on the microscopic level, it also transfers energy on the macroscopic level with incredible efficiency. (Nikola Tesla realized that you could get an electrical reflection strength of more than 99.9% of the energy pushed through the Ionosphere with a magnifying transmitter array. Allowing him to create a standing wave of energy of virtually any magnitude using the energy that was already available statically in the environment.)
How can this benefit humanity?
Genetic Harmonics
When looking at the nature of reality we can ENGINEER OUR REALITY starting at the genetic level. Because the fractal geometry of DNA is sympathetically resonate with specific resonate frequencies, we can create higher degrees of order. We could use electromagnetic & sound wave frequencies to completely reorganize the genetic material of any person, so that it is in a state of environmental harmony (health). Using these technologies we could break down the racial barriers by making all people the best versions of their own genetic code. Utilizing the proper electromagnetic frequencies we could reshape the cymatic patterns found on the genetic level, healing cells, or transforming cellular structures as needed. Because all structures within the DNA determine the type of function of a cell it is possible to heal any structure or organ in the body.
Cellular Level
A widely unknown scientific phenomenon is the mortal oscillatory rate, ever single structure of DNA has a natural resonance that when amplified beyond structural tolerances can be used to effectively destroy any microbe. By creating a wave frequency library we could create the most effective microbial treatment humans have available. We could lay the foundation for the science that could reshape cells, and even specifically target and eliminate harmful micro organisms.
The human heart is a 4 chamber harmonic oscillation device in itself. By adding various sized veins all operating under the same electromagnetic fluid pressure, various parts of the body take the same heart beat and resonate it across a large spectrum of frequencies. When you have multiple wavelengths resonating in the same space, they nest within one another. The heart chamber creates a full frequency bandwidth and their energetic inversions simultaneously (implosion/expansion). The alignment of these energies is critical to how one dimension effectively interacts with the parallel dimensions inside and outside simultaneously. This is the fundamental principal which makes the quantum world unpredictable, yet quantifiable.
As humans we have the ability to create music that is sympathetically resonate with our own bodies. We can use certain sounds as healing tools to restore the balance to the bodies cardiovascular system. This can help us reset after trauma or emotional suffering, and has been clinically shown to increase the overall health of humans as well as plants and other animals.
The left and right side of the cardiovascular system operates inversely as well. The right side experiences implosion and the left side experiences expansion, yin and yang respectively.
Nested Fibonacci Circles
When looking at a cross section of the veins within the hum we once again see the phi relationship between their various diameters.
It has long been understood that the planet
continuously vibrates. We call the Earth's harmonic oscillation the
Schumann resonance, coincidentally it is the exact same frequency that is INDUCTED
into the human brain. We call this frequency
in the brain the ALPHA waves, these are the waves in the brain are
associated with peace, calm, meditation, focused thought & creative
imagination. The Schumann resonance is created as one side of the
planet is heated by starlight causing a heightened electrical potential
which continuously discharges to equalize the static charge, we see this in the form
of lightening.
It has been scientifically proven that when you spend time in nature it increase alpha waves in the brain. Over periods of time this results in a change in the brain due to neural plasticity. Spending time in nature helps connect you with the natural harmonics which create your physical bodies (body/cells/dna) and health.

Within the Brain, the pineal gland resonates (like a tuning fork) with the Earth's pulse similarly to how one tuning fork will begin vibrating in the presence of an already vibrating tuning fork of the same frequency. In short, the light that is resonating inside the veins of your brain, is entangled with the planets vibrations. Because of the geometry of your neurons energy naturally implodes, allowing your mind to the outside environment into a singularity within the Pineal gland of the brain. It is this geometry that provides a path for energy to be compressed and is what makes observing and thinking about the vast universe outside your brain possible.

The two components of flowing energy, circulation and linearity, yin & yang respectively.

The body is inducing frequencies across a broad spectrum. It is various vibrations that we attribute to the senses, taste, touch, smell, hearing & seeing are all ways in which your body perceives vibrations within it's environment. It is these vibrations on the electromagnetic spectrum acting within the brain that we perceive as imagination a 6th sense that allows us to perceive that which is non physical/non local.
What is also important to note is the incredible effect that grounding the energy of the body. It has been scientifically proven that grounding the energy of they body directly relates to lowered levels of inflammation. Because the body is powered by oxygen one of the main forces of decay within the body is oxidization. When standing in direct contact with the Earth you create a pathway that this charge can dissipate. You may be familiar with the term "grounding" as it applies to electrical systems, grounding the body is based on the same science.
The Schumann resonance is caused by the fact that the Earth is only partially illuminated by the sun. Because there is a substantial temperature difference, there is a substantial electrical potential difference. As one side of the planet is heated that extra energy naturally dissipates and at attempts to Equalize resulting in huge electrical discharges
The Solar system has it's own path that it follows through the Galaxy the which effects the helios sphere of the sun, or suns magnetic field and atmosphere of magnetism within that field. As the heliosphere's relative position within the galaxy changes the state of energy within the heliosphere changes. Changes in the heliosphere effects the planetary Schuman resonance, which in turn effects human consciousness. This is the basic understanding of the yugas, or seasons of consciousness.
The effect of circulating around the active galactic nuclei at the center of our galaxy effects the pulsations of atoms. Through the study of black holes scientists have been able to detect super high frequency radiation. These pulsations in space actually resonate atoms themselves, as the intensity of the atomic vibrations increase, the frequency and intensity of luminosity from neighboring stars likewise increases.
When you look at the Sun as it interacts with the field of energy that is being created active galactic nuclei it creates a torque on the electromagnetic field resulting in luminosity. This is because the rotation of the suns magnetic field, and the rotation of the active galactic nuclei field are perpendicular. This effect can also be created on much smaller scales as seen below.
This Represents the Sun's Ionosphere creating the Oort cloud
It was recently discovered that nano-scopic pulsations which they referenced as "gravitational" waves are emitted from black holes. These high speed vibrations wrap toroidally unto themselves as we have discovered magnetic field lines to do. This creates an outer light "barrier" for the larger light waves to reflect and reverberate within. These black holes can create vibration at frequencies higher (smaller) than can be observed by physical means but which interact with all physical reality giving light it's "mass density" (Higgs Boson field.)
All physics suggests that space can move, therefore vibrate faster than light, so energy moving faster than the speed of light is perceived as expanding darkness and creates a vacuum pressure (the effect of expanding space) pulling together all slower moving space vibrations. The weak sense of gravity is created by the expansion of the universe which is created by minute waves. These waves create cymatic nodes, or points in where energy accumulates (atoms and particles)
I theorize it would be like these super small waves expanding the outer most edge of the universe that create this "bubble" or expanding darkness.
This also explains the "HIGGS BOSON" field which is regarding the permeability, or resistance of the space itself which is necessary for any space physics to make sense. You cannot claim that space is empty while also stating that "nothing" exerts enormous force that creates resistance as you accelerate to the speed of light.
Quasars (and other black holes) resonate space to spin atoms, and spinning atoms begin suns, and suns die and create all the elements of existence, and because stars and matter feed back into black holes, where they are transformed to pure energy forging new atoms.
The beginning and the end of the cycle are the same, one creating the other.
Quasars are the brightest light in our universe, created from black holes, the darkest points in our universe.
Everything in between is just a play of harmony.
Lets define time as the relationship between revolutionary momentum and linear momentum. These two forms of momentum are related, the higher the revolutionary momentum, the lower the linear momentum and vice versa. This means that implosive energy (centripetal force) is related to linear motion. This higher the implosive force, the higher the material density and the lower the linear momentum.
These two forces are related in electrical currents, at 90 degree offsets, meaning that linear force ALWAYS IMPLIES CENTRIPETAL FORCE. You can think of this relationship to be simplified to implosive centripetal force and a second dimension of rotation which is perceived as linear.
Because linear force and centripetal force are related you never get one without the other. The resulting pattern is spirals, which can be observed in all of nature.
This implosive/expansive force is still connected at a 90 degree angle, due to gyroscopic procession only one vortex will be apparent while other vortexes will converge into a toroid. In science we call this sphere of energy a particle or atoms depending on their size.
And there you have it, my explanation for universal field theory, it can be applied mathematically, which explains structure and form, and it can be explained experimentally with sound, music & thought. Sounds create and transform the patterns of creation which we all experience. The collective voice of human consciousness can be so powerful and loving that it can create patterns of incredible harmony or destroy any obstacle.
I have spent many years studying the universe so that I could understand it, I want you to understand the power of your voice & emotions & their ability to combine with the voice and emotions of others.
Thanks for learning with me, I hope this helps you put things like "the secret" and "Think & grow Rich" into perspective. Thoughts are vibrations, words are vibrations, all of reality is vibrations, change vibrations, change reality. Your voice and heart have the possibility to create the most beautiful vibrations, I believe that to be true.

When you see the colors that shine on this planet every moment of every day, these colors are related as they are in nature, the words are associated with the colors that give rise to their manifestation. These energies continuously circulate through the environment and all life on the planet. Humans are unique because they can understand and influence these energies.